What Our Process Looks Like

Step 1: Topic selection
Our team scans for topics that are prominent & timely in the news of the day, and impactful (i.e. having significant implications for large numbers of people). We also look for topics that are often divisive, and which could benefit from balanced, nuanced analysis. 

Step 2: Topic research & literature review
Our team goes in-depth to catalogue the major studies, reports, and other media related to the topic at hand. We stick to most trustworthy, credible sources. We endeavor to arrive at an understanding of the underlying evidence that informs the different perspectives on the issue.

Step 3: Creation of topic page & content
Based on our literature review, we create a set of major “discussion questions”, which aim to get to the heart of each issue, and which we believe are key to understanding the topic as a whole. For each of the major questions, we present the varying, often opposing viewpoints, along with the evidence, sources, and experts who voice them.

Step 4: Review by Content Committee
Our Content Committee is composed of experts across journalism, medicine and politics. They stress-test, verify, and edit the content that we produce. They also ensure that the content we produce adheres to our internal guidelines, that govern everything from the format in which we present information to the type of language we use.

Step 5: Publishing & community contributions:

Ultimately, Discourse’s goal is to foster discussion and to allow our community to help us get closer to the truth. In order to keep pace with rapid information change, correct inaccuracies quickly, and reduce any potential bias, all our readers can suggest edits. Our team of experts reviews every suggestion, and incorporates those that are credible, relevant, and which push the discussion forward, in line with our.

How we keep our content consistent and fairly written.

We adhere to generally recognized journalistic values, ethics and principles, such as those codified by the Associated Press, the Society for Professional Journalists, the International Fact Checking Network and style guides from a diverse set of affinity organizations.

How we handle suggestions submitted by the community.

We actively encourage participation from our community through suggestions to each of the  discussions on our topic pages. We believe these suggestions help keep our information accurate, balanced, and current.

When assessing whether to accept a suggestion or not, we examine the following:
  1. Substantive value: does this contribution add clarity, quality content, or contribute in some other way to the fullness and / or richness of the discussion? In particular we look for contributions that help to provide novel perspectives or to help illuminate aspects of the topic?
  2. Evidence-based: is the contribution backed by credible evidence in the form of studies, data,or domain-expert perspectives?
  3. Respectful: is the contribution respectful of different or opposing perspectives?